Smokey BBQ Pizza Recipe
Pizza Dough
2 cups of all purpose flour.
1 tsp salt
1 tsp of dry active yeast
1 tsp of sugar
In small bowl add 1 cup of warm water - water temp not to exceed 106 degrees Fahrenheit. Add sugar and mix until sugar has dissolved completely. Add yeast to the mixture by sprinkling on top of water. Let sit for 10 minutes. Meanwhile in a large bowl add the 2 cups of flour and the salt and blend well. After yeast mixture has set for 10 minutes add the mixture to the flour and mix it very well adding a little flour if needed. Knead the dough for 5 minutes and then separate it into 2 portions of the same size. Form 2 dough balls and add them into 2 oiled bowls. Cover and let sit for app. 30 minutes in a warm area of the house. After 30 minutes remove dough balls from the bowls and proceed to attempt to form your pizza crust whichever way you want. If you want to do it like the pros (we tried but did not fair out very well) watch the following video on YouTube
Tossing pizza dough like the pros
Don't forget about the Epicure Pizza spice used in our video. It will make your Pizza Sauce pop with flavor. You can find this spice along with many other pizza spices here - Epicure Spices
The rest of putting the pizza together is up to you . Add your favorite sauce, your favorite cheese and your favorite toppings.
Start your smoker/BBQ and when the smoke is visible insert your pizzas and let them smoke for at least 30 minutes. After 30 minutes remove the pizzas for the smoker and crank up the heat to at least 450 degrees in you can. After desired temperature has been reached insert pizza in the oven and cook until done (at 450 degrees it will take app 20 minutes or so)
Once pizza is done it is time to go nuts and devour the smoked delicacies.